The slogan “Follow the money” means that finding the source of an organization’s or person’s money may reveal their true nature. In a similar sense, we use the slogan “Follow the math!” to mean that finding “where the mathematics of QM comes from” reveals a good deal about the key concepts and machinery of the theory.
Partitions, Objective Indefiniteness, and Quantum Reality
This paper, published in the International Journal for Quantum Foundations, is a shorter introductory paper following up on my recent “Follow the Math!” paper in the Foundations of Physics. The point is to show that the mathematics of QM is the vector (Hilbert) space version of the mathematics of partitions at the set level. […]
European ESOP
The American Employee Stock Ownership Plan or ESOP is a leveraged buyout mechanism so that the employees in a company can, in effect, do a leveraged buyout of part or eventually all of their own company. ESOP is one of the most successful and unifying models for employee ownership in the world. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the main features of the US ESOP model and to define a technical description of the European ESOP, which builds on the good features of the US model and improves the flawed features.
Abstraction in Math and Superposition in QM
Abstraction turns equivalence into identity, but there are two ways to do it. The goal is to use the second notion of abstraction to shed some light on the notion of an inde finite superposition in quantum mechanics.
Marcora Law for Europe
There is a time-tested solution in Spain and Italy that provides liquidity to such enterprises in a democratic manner by establishing employee ownership schemes. The new source of liquidity is allowing unemployed workers to capitalize part of their unemployment insurance to invest in a new or existing enterprise where they will have a job.
4Open: Special Issue: Intro. to Logical Entropy
4Open is a relatively new open access interdisciplinary journal (voluntary APCs) covering the 4 fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology-medicine. A special issue on Logical Entropy was sponsored and edited by Giovanni Manfredi, the Research Director of the CNRS Strasbourg. My paper is the introduction to the volume.
Book Draft: The Logic of Partitions
This book draft is an introduction to the logic of partitions on a set as well as the (quantum) logic of partitions (direct-sum decompositions or DSDs) on a vector space.
Book draft: Quantum Mechanics over Sets
Quantum mechanics overs sets (QM/ℤ₂ or QM/Sets) is a pedagogical or `toy’ model of finite-dimensional quantum mechanics (QM/ℂ) that reproduces in the simplified setting of vector spaces over ℤ₂ the essentials of projective measurements, the double-slit experiment, the indeterminacy principle, entanglement, Bell’s Theorem, the statistics of indistinguishable particles, and so forth,
Using ESOPs to Democratize Labor-Based Platforms
Our purpose is to propose another complementary approach, which is democratizing and adapting the Employee Stock Ownership Plan to gain co-ownership in the local subsidiaries of the labor-based platforms (LBP). This option puts a new tool in the hands of the municipal and national authorities that could regulate the platform sector.
Less-Known Supporters of Workplace Democracy
his paper, published as an editorial in the Journal for Participation and Employee Ownership collects together extensive quotations and extracts from 19th and 20th century thinkers who were little-known for being supporters of workplace democracy.