This paper gives a toy model of quantum mechanics over the field 2, where the vectors can be interpreted as subsets of a universe set, and hence the name: “Quantum mechanics over sets.” It gives the “logic” of QM in the old-fashioned sense of the essential logic of a theory pared down to operations on sets (vectors over 2). This includes the simplest logical treatment of the double-slit experiment, Bell’s Theorem, the probability calculus based on Born’s Rule, and much else (all restated in the context of sets).
Seminar in Quantum Information Theory II
December 10, 2012 by
These are the slides from a seminar in quantum information theory and related topics in the Computer Science Department of UC/Riverside during the Spring quarter 2012.
Seminar in Quantum Information Theory I
December 10, 2012 by
These are the slides from a seminar in quantum information theory taught in the Computer Science Department of UC/Riverside in the Winter quarter 2012.