Library and Information Science Students to Encourage Networking

Minutes of the meeting

held on August 9, 2007, Sunday from 7:00 - 8:30 pm, via Elluminate Session

Members Present

Heather Fucinari, Coleen Wakai, Brenda Ramirez

Approval of Meeting Minutes-July 8, 2007

Minutes read and approved.

Financial Report - Brenda Ramirez, Treasurer

Beginning balance: $905.98
Bookmarks: $90.00
Robert's Rules book: 7.49
Current Balance: $808.49


Remainder of mugs sent to SJSU so Brenda W. can sell at orientation. The 24 remaining mugs to be sold at Aug. 19 at Southern Orientation. 10 XX T-shirts left with old logo. Nightshirt special possibility? 2006 graduation: 1 mug + 1 T-shirt sold for $10. Brenda R. suggests to continue selling at this price to move inventory. Agree to keep the 2/$10 price at the 2007 Orientation. San Jose will sell mugs 2/$10 otherwise $6 Motion to 2/$10 (any combination) and 1/$6 (mug or t-shirt) pricing approved.

Governing Committee

Coleen sent in agenda for Aug 9th 2007. Dr. Weedman is asking for participation in 5 different committees. Dr. Weedman needs these positions filled ASAP. Brenda R. and Heather F. will go over Committees and give a yes/no answer to Coleen.

Officer Positions

Brenda Welch believe it will be difficult for her to be co-vice pres. Coleen will become President, Brenda to be Northern co-VP with a now unnamed Southern VP. Contact Eric Bryan to see if he has time to be VP. May have him write a letter of intent.

Banned Books Week

Will make announcement at Southern orientation. Will put out official notices on listservs as soon as day available.

Handbook Revision

Discussion of Beverly’s ideas. Will continue discussion at next meeting

Robert’s Rules Book

Brenda Ramirez purchased book and will hold this for now. Brenda will try to find rules on web.


Brenda W. in charge and will email Heather F. to insert in minutes

Events and Committee chair

Banned Books Week-Heather F. chair. Professional Assoc. Day-need chair as wll as Resume/Interview Workshop and Graduation comm. Call Number workshop-Beverly?

Office of VP open

Constitution calls for 1 Northern, 1 Southern. Dr. Weedman says it might be ok.

New onsite bank account

Per Brenda R. we need an onsite account to put our funds into. We cannot have a fundraiser on campus without this account. Paperwork has been filled out to open account, but unsure how much money is needed in on campus account. Per Coleen, Brenda to contact Annie K. or Lucy B. to see why we did not have an on campus account. Motion on funds that will be kept in on campus account: Tabled for lack of participants in meeting.

Blackboard Clean-up

Brenda Welch to be contacted to clean up board. Members to contact her with portions we want to keep.

LISSTEN contact sheet.

Showed Contact list. Coleen and Brenda R. agreed that sheet looks acceptable. Coleen called for everyone to give Heather F. their information.


Tabled until more participants at meeting.

Theme for the 2007-2008 year

CD from Lucy B. to share on LISSTEN website. Brenda R. idea for tour: Prison library visit. She will post on prison library website to propose interest in the tour. Link:

Assessment of meeting

Meeting adjourned: 8:29pm

Minutes submitted by

Heather Fucinari, Secretary

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