Library and Information Science Students to Encourage Networking

LISSTEN Fullerton Meeting :: View the map ::

February 11, Sunday, 2pm in Fullerton at Off Campus Pub, right across from
CSU Fullerton at 2736 Nutwood Ave, Fullerton, CA (phone: 714- 879-8094).

Minutes of the meeting

held on February 11, 2007 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm, at Off Campus Pub, Fullerton.

Welcome and Introductions

Annie Knight gave a brief introduction to LISSTEN for new members.

  • LISSTEN events can fulfill competencies for the E-portfolio
  • LISSTEN, especially through the Resume and Interviewing workshops, is great for career networking

Members introduced themselves

San Jose Members

Annie reported that 10 North Campus members attended the recent LISSTEN meeting in San Jose

Thanks to VP Tiffany Bronzan’s hard work, LISSTEN is now an official campus organization on SJSU’s campus as well as CSUF.

Library Tours

  • The Wine Library tour in Sonoma County was successful.
  • Tiffany is working on setting up a tour of Google.
  • Getty Villa Tour is coming up.  Email Natalie Bulick for more information.
  • Film Archives Tour is set up for Wednesday, April 25th, after E-Portfolios are due.  An announcement will be distributed the first week of April, and attendance will be limited to 20 participants.
  • Ozgun Tumer suggested a demonstration of Virtual Reference. A Sunday in March is a good time for this. More info to come.
  • Vlasta suggested a tour of the UCR library special collections.  Vlasta will post to the listserv with more information.

Members that go could write an article for the Call Number that might fulfill a competency requirement for their E-Portfolio.

Institutions are very open to library students, and it is easy for anyone to get involved and set up a tour.


T-shirt and mug available for $10.  It’s a special deal to get rid of the old items in preparation for a redesigned look. Visit :: fundraising page :: for more info.

  • David needs someone to help him with ordering the t-shirts.
  • Brenda Ramirez volunteered.
  • David has a contact for the new t-shirts.
  • We are looking for a new design for the t-shirt.
  • Lucy suggested that we use the travel mug design for the t-shirts.
  • Brenda Welsh has volunteered to help design the t-shirt

David has come up with a lot of fundraising ideas. One idea is an art silent auction.

  • Annie has a friend who could donate gallery space for the auction during the Pomona art walk.
  • Vlasta and Gabriel suggested that we also offer a virtual art auction for people that can’t make it to the actual auction.

The money goes to LISSTEN programs, in particular the graduation ceremony. Some money comes as donations from organizations and librarians. Ask if there are any questions about fundraising

Graduation Ceremony Committee

We need to form a committee (aiming for 7-8 volunteers; contact or post to BB if interested).

  • Annie offered to help provide flowers.
  • Annie has created a handbook for this year’s chairperson.

Resume and Interview Workshop

  • It happens May 6.
  • Annie and Lucy need 2 or 3 more members on the committee. LISSTEN provides refreshments (2 volunteers needed; contact or post to BB if interested). Gabriel Beeler volunteered for the committee.

Dr. Weedman mentioned that there is another Career Day put on by REFORMA.

Officer Elections

Elections are in April.
Officer information is in the :: LISSTEN Constitution ::.


Annie reminded officers to be more prompt about responding to emails.
Everyone should feel free to post on the listserv :: [email protected] ::
Vlasta requested write-ups on the committees to update the website.

Back on Top Last update 03/2007 VR

LISSTEN takes full responsibility for the information posted. San Jose State University has not reviewed or approved the contents of this page.
Any views and opinions expressed on this page are strictly those of LISSTEN.