Minutes of the meeting
held on July 8, 2007, Sunday from 1:00 - 4:30 pm, Coleen Wakai’s house, Yorba Linda.
Members Present
Heather Fucinari, Vlasta Radan, Coleen Wakai, Brenda Ramirez, Dr. Judy Weedman
2008 Fullerton Graduation
Discussed new venue for graduation ceremony. Gina Lee is researching costs. LISSTEN Board will approach Dr. Haycock with a tentative plan.
LISSTEN website
Vlasta suggested updating introductory text on LISSTEN Home page.
Constitution of LISSTEN
a) Board Members: LISSTEN currently does not have a president, only co-VPs. Dr. Weedman suggested that solution may be for Coleen and Brenda to be co-Presidents. Dr. Weedman suggested that we remember that LISSTEN, and so the Board, is not only student organization for students on the South (special session) and we should make effort to recruit students from the North.
b) LISSTEN meetings: Suggestion that future LISSTEN meetings should take place at SLIS clasrooms in Fullerton where conference calls may be utilized. Elluminate is also a viable option. Dr. Weedman will contact Debbie Faires on assigning a student Elluminate liaison.
c) Student Handbook: Beverly (North) and South (Heather) will go over Student Handbook to see what information is relevant, should be changed, or the handbook done away with. Will give deadline to Board for new handbook. Coleen suggested making a flyer/bookmark for orientation to give to students with website address or a “coming soon” for Student Handbook.
d) Separate Constitutions: Need to explain why there are two constitutions. Dr. Weedman will verify why we need two and get information to Vlasta to put on website.
e) Article VII: Dues: Dues section in constitution is required by CSU Fullerton. Question about off-campus account will be addressed.
f) Table Constitution: Do not have to turn it in this year.
Information will be sent to Vlasta to put on LISSTEN website. Coleen suggested ordering events page chronologically -- Library Tour, Banned Books, Profession Association Day, Resume Workshop, Career Fair, and Graduation.
a) REFORMA Career Fair event information to be given to Vlasta to add to LISSTEN website.
b) Banned Books Week: Coleen will go to Blueprint meeting so we can get a space on campus. Need to get event date as soon as possible to Coleen. Heather will chair committee.
Will attempt to sell leftover T-shirts and mugs at Orientation. Redesign of LISSTEN T-shirt. Need to come up with new LISSTEN merchandise to sell. Brenda has financial statement for LISSTEN account. LISSTEN cost responsibility Coleen will ask Gina if music for graduation can be paid for by SJSU, not LISSTEN as it is paid for in the North. Coleen will check if Fullerton funds are available to us.
LISSTEN Communication
Blackboard: Coleen will check with Annie about clearing out so we can leverage it. LISSTEN listserv: Coleen will give Stanley Laufer new Board members to add to listserv. Will determine Members-At-Large who are still interested.
Governing Committees
Dr. Weedman suggests that we meet soon to get members of governing committees: Need to replace members who have graduated. Dr. Weedman will research how these individuals are chosen. Need to have this finished by start of school year.
Assessment of meeting
Next meeting via Elluminate will be scheduled- Governing Committee on agenda. Heather will send text for bookmark to Vlasta before she leaves on 7/28.
Minutes submitted by
Heather Fucinari, Secretary