Library and Information Science Students to Encourage Networking

Minutes of the meeting

November 14, 2007, Wednesday, 7:00 pm via Elluminate Session

Members Present

Heather Fucinari, Paige Fujisue, Elizabeth Horan (SAASC Member-At-Large), Eric Bryan, Judy Weedman, Sharon Marcacci, Brenda Ramirez, Coleen Wakai

Approval of Meeting Minutes - September 13, 2007


Members of the Board reports:

Treasure’s report - Brenda Ramirez: LISSTEN fund: $847.99.

Eric Bryan: Second Life, not compatible with Windows Vista.

Coleen Wakai: Visit to SJSU in San Jose for Leadership Governance Committee. Voted on Alumni that have been exceptional since graduation.

Heather Fucinari: Banned Books Week recap.

Coleen Wakai: Library Tours recap, more details in The Call Number.

Sharon Maracci: Newsletter, The Call Number, close to being done.

LISSTEN recognized by SORC

Thanks to Heather Devine & Brenda Welch, South California LISSTEN will be recognized by SORC

Constitution change

ALASC and SAASC are not voting members of LISSTEN board. Motion to rewrite constitution so those member can vote on board. One rep from ALASC and SAASC will have one member at large to serve as a voice.

Chairperson for upcoming LISSTEN Events

Resume Workshop, Graduation, Professionals day chairperson call-out.

Book Drive/Chino Prison Library Tour

Call for books for the Chino prison

Brenda Ramirez-Fundraiser Proposal

Lanyards: researched companies. Collaborative effort between school groups. Share the cost. Each group that sold them would get their own money. SAASC-Elizabeth Horan: Not much fundraising. Rather San Jose SLIS logo instead of specific group. Need to think about T-shirt designs. We have to go through authorized vendor to purchase SJSU “mark”. Payable to the athletics department. Instead put, “San Jose” “SLIS” to avoid this problem. Vote on “San Jose” or “SJSU” marking-copyright issues involved.

LISSTEN recruitment

Call for new member to be members-at-large. Losing Vlasta Radan who is webmaster and Elizabeth who is SAASC member-at-large.

The Rally Against Hate

Donations for Corazon de Vida: Bare Necessities Drive

By pass and contribute next time.


Rebekka Bernotat to take of Elizabeth Horan as SAASC/LISSTEN member-at-large. On Deceber 8th, 2007 at 1:00 pm SAASC will have 3 guest speakers at SJSU campus. 1pm.


Congrats to Vlasta Radan and Elizabeth Horan on upcoming graduation. Need volunteers to take the place of those graduating positions with the exception of Elizabeth.

Call for library tour recommendations. Fullerton Library, El Camino College Music Library tour? Eric Bryan having no response for prison library tour. Will start working for NASA Jet Propulsion Library tour.

Motion to close meeting approved.

Assessment of meeting

Meeting adjourned: 8:06pm.

Minutes submitted by

Secretary, Heather Fucinari.

Back on Top Last update 11/2007 VR

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