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Practicum Learning
Assignments and Outcomes
The expected outcome of the practicum was to improve my knowledge of preservation of library and archival materials. Through various assignments, the practicum was to address:
the causes of deterioration of paper-based materials as well as standards and preservation techniques for their storage. Applying that knowledge to develop preservation and conservation strategies through processing at least one archive with the University Archivist. Learning outcome: processing of the Anne McCaffrey Papers collection, creation of an Access database (including creation of data entry and report form) and creating a Finding Aid for the collection.
various practices and techniques of repairing and conservation. Applying that knowledge while working on repairing books and library materials in the Preservation Services Department of UCR libraries. Learning outcome: mastering the standard book spine repair and library pamphlet sewing as well as observing different techniques of preparation of library materials for circulation.
disaster prevention and response strategies by identifying and understanding the elements of a comprehensive preservation plan through a research and recommendation of environmental monitoring system for Special Collections. Learning outcome: Writing the report about humidity and temperature dataloggers currently available on the market, with analysis of their technical specifications and prices.
issues that arose from conflicting goals of preservation and public access. Understanding the issue of the use of the Special Collections resources for educational purposes through the assistance in a printshop, and the issue of the public access to the Special Collections resources through organizing a library tour for SLIS students. Learning outcome: Organizing a tour of the Special Collection and printshop for students of SJSU School for Library and Information Science and taking photographs that are used for the promotion of the printing classes in the lobby of the Rivera Library.
Practicum site:
Special Collections Department
UC Riverside
P.O. Box 5900, Riverside,
CA 92517-5900
Tel: 951-827-3233
Practicum term:
Spring 2007
Practicum credits:
3 credits
Site supervisor:
Sheryl Davis
Assistant Head of
Special Collections
& Preservation Librarian

Exposed book spine prepared for repair.

Exhibit of printing tools, the Special Collection reading room.
Text, design, photographs and
digital imaging by Vlasta Radan.
Last update May 25, 2007. |