Library and Information Science Students to Encourage Networking

Proposal was submitted at September 13, 2007, LISSTEN meeting.

Fiscal Year July 2006 to June 2007

Balance July 2006



Total Income



Total Expenses



Balance June 2007



Projected Fiscal Year 2007-2008

Balance July 2007



Income as of 9/13/07



Expenses as of 9/13/07



Projected Expenses(figures are approximate)

September Banned Books Week (BBW)



Professional Associations Day (PAD)?



Resume & Interview Workshop (RIW)



Graduation (GRAD)



Fundraiser Purchase(s)



Total Projected Expenses



Projected Income (figures are approximate)







Dr. Haycock’s Graduation Grant



Total Projected Income



(Or $290.00 w/o the grant)


*    If sold at any 2 items /$10.00 = $190.00’s worth of inventory.
**  Combined possible incomes of inventory + t-shirt sales (72 shirts @ $10.00 each, as an example).


Mugs:        Fullerton- 16;  San Jose- 20
T-shirts:    (1) 2X,    (1) 3X

If anyone has any information about what last year’s budgets for these events were please contact me by 9/31/07 so that we can put together an idea of what LISSTEN is spending on each event.

Please consider the following when committees are working on a budget:

  • Materials needed (If possible, maybe donations can be acquired.)
  • Refreshments(If possible, try to get sponsors for these.)
  • Any other costs/fees involved?

Hopefully we will get as close to the best-case scenario as possible for our projected income.

Submitted by

Brenda Ramirez, LISSTEN Treasurer


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