Library and Information Science Students to Encourage Networking

:: About LISSTEN

LISSTEN seeks to enhance the educational experiences of students in the Program; address members' concerns; promote professionalism; and provide networking opportunities.

:: LISSTEN Board Members

LISSTEN is presided by a Board of Directors that shall include at least five (5) elected officers. The term of office is one year beginning July 1 st.

:: Board Minutes

Regular meetings are scheduled at least three times a year. Any member of LISSTEN may attend each regularly scheduled Board meeting or any general membership meeting.

:: Student Representatives

SJSU-SLIS Strategic Planning Committees consist of faculty, staff, and student representatives. LISSTEN appoints student representatives to the following committees:: Curriculum and Program Development Committee :: School Leadership Coordinating Team :: School Environment and Resources Committee :: Student Admissions and Adjudication Committee :: and :: Faculty Development and External Relations Committee :: All SJSU SLIS students are eligible to serve as student representatives for the above committees. What’s more, serving as a student representative allows you to “be at the table” to provide input as decisions regarding the planning and progression of our program.

:: Board Members at Large

Members-at-large have no specific duties and assist the officers in various areas and serve on at least one committee during their term as board member.

:: LISSTEN Faculty Advisor

LISSTEN Faculty Advisor can be any individual employed on at least a half-time basis by the SJSU SLIS.

:: LISSTEN Committees

The main duty of each committee is to plan one event per semester in its local area.

:: LISSTEN Constitution

Membership in LISSTEN shall not be denied to any student in the SJSU SLIS nor Special Session Program hosted at CSUF nor on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation or disability.


Back to Top Last update 09/2007 VR

LISSTEN takes full responsibility for the information posted. San Jose State University has not reviewed or approved the contents of this page.
Any views and opinions expressed on this page are strictly those of LISSTEN.