Core Competency G
The following statement and submitted evidence show my understanding of standards and methods used to control and create information structures and my competency in applying the basic principles involved in the organization and representation of knowledge.
In any system, information needs to be sorted in some way. The way things are sorted implies that things in the same group have something in common and that they are in some kind of relationship to each other. This helps people to create mental models of how the information is organized. With mental models, people make sense of complex systems, like databases or web sites. ... MORE>>
Some of the evidence documents are presented as HTML pages, but most of them are in iPaper format, which requires ADOBE FLASH PLAYER. Clicking on [PDF] link will open the same documents in ADOBE ACROBAT READER.
Evidence 1 :: Anne McCaffrey Papers Collection Fields and Definition of the Series [PDF]
This was created during my archival internship in the Special Collections Department of University of California Riverside, Spring 2007, and show my competency in using standards and methods to control and create information structures.
The main outcome of my archival internship in the Special Collections of UC Riverside libraries was the processing and writing of the finding aid for the Anne McCaffrey Papers collection. My task was to complete work on a partially processed collection, create an electronic database, enter information, and write the finding aid for the collection. The creation of the classification system was one of the steps in that process. Because the collection was centered around McCaffrey’s books, the collection series were designed to reflect the bibliographical structure of the material. The final arrangement of books in a series and sub-series was simplified for easier data entry. The material was grouped as correspondence, nonfiction, or fiction material. The fiction material was further divided by the book series, collection of stories, and so on. In the finding aid, each series was individually defined and described.
Evidence 2 :: Assignment 2: Subject Analysis [PDF]
This paper was a group project written as an assignment in the Information Retrieval class, Spring of 2005, and shows my competency in use of basic principles involved in the organization and representation of knowledge.
As part of the assignment in indexing and vocabulary design, group D to which I belonged, created the Library Literature Database “for use by LIS students interested in professional literature in the domain of Information Search, Storage and Retrieval.” From the list of suggested literature, the group selected a number of articles with a focus on systems design and end-user research, read them and created pre-coordinate and post-coordinate controlled vocabulary lists. Using DB/TextWorks database software, the group created a database with author, title, citation and abstract text fields and two controlled vocabulary fields. Text fields were keyword searchable, while pre-coordinated and post-coordinated fields had drop-down tables with controlled vocabulary. In the paper are listed database rules and tips for users created by the group; full lists of index terms of two controlled vocabulary fields, as well as all twenty records with field data. Tables with statistical analysis of performed queries are in the concluding section of the document.
This report was written as the conclusion of my archival internship in the Autry National Center, Electronic Cataloging Initiative, Fall of 2007, and shows my competency in use of basic principles involved in the organization and representation of knowledge.
The main goal of my internship in the Southwest Museum of the Autry National Center was to acquire practical knowledge of the technical and conceptual issues related to a comprehensive digitalization project in a museum environment. The internship had two outcomes: (1) inventory and imaging of artifacts selected for digitalization and (2) preparing the electronic records for public access on the Internet catalog. The text presented on the web page is the excerpt for the final report and details the tasks and learning experiences gained while accomplishing the second outcome of the internship. The specific tasks, detailed in the text included development of the system of subject headings for basket designs.
This web site was developed to satisfy the graduation requirements for
the School for Library and Information Science at San Jose State University California
Text, design, and digital imaging by Vlasta Radan