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Core Competency H

The following statement and submitted evidence show my competency in use of current information and communication technologies, and other related technologies, as they effect the resources and uses of libraries and other types of information providing entities.

Statement of Competency H

In the Fall of 2005, I took an on-line seminar in Medieval Manuscripts and Incunabula. Throughout the class, we were encouraged to use on-line resources in addition to traditional research in a library. At first, I was amazed at the sheer mass of available information, but, as I become more familiar with the resources, I become frustrated with the limitations of the information... MORE>>

Evidence of Competency H

Evidence 1 :: California State Archives

The photographs from the open house tour of the California State Archives uploaded on my Flickr photo sharing site, show my competency in the use of current information and communication technologies as resource for providing information to the wider audience of users.

This is a photo journal of a visit to the California State Archives on October 14, 2006 during Archives Open House. Each of the photographs is provided with detailed descriptions and links to the relevant sources. As a number of my classmates from the Archives and Manuscript class expressed a desire to learn more about the visit and the information gathered there, instead of writing them individual e-mails and sending them images, I decided to use on-line photosharing site Flickr as the way of delivering the information. Information about the images and the link to the set were posted on the class BlackBoard site.

Evidence 2 :: The Call Number, Fall 2007

The HTML version of the LISSTEN newsletter for the Fall 2007 was developed during my position as the web master for the organization, Fall 2006 - Fall 2007, and shows my competency in the use of current information and communication technologies and other related technologies, as they affect the resources and uses of libraries and other types of information providing entities.

The Call Number, the LISSTEN newsletter, is edited and written by SLIS students and published once per semester. For years, the newsletter was created using various word-editing software and then converted to PDF files which were then uploaded to server and linked to the LISSTEN web site. With time, the newsletter expanded the number of pages and the amount of photographic material, all of which increased the size of the individual file and the time required for the file to open. Starting with the Fall 2007 issue, the newsletter was redesigned and is now assembled in HTML format. The new format is more web friendly, enables quick changes to individual pages, and, most importantly, it became an integral part of the general LISSTEN web site. The link opens an archival copy of the LISSTEN web site and the newsletter. Active LISSTEN web site and current issues of the newsletter are available on the LISSTEN Home page.

Evidence 3 :: Biblioroom Home Page and New Year Resolutions

This two projects for the Flash class, Fall of 2006, taken at the Riverside Community College, show my competency in the use of current technologies.

The requirement for the Biblioroom assignment was to create mock home page (there are no active links on the page) as the background for various types of animation using the Flash software. In this example, the logo of the company is an animated banner, while at the bottom of the page is a short “movie.” The story follows a stick figure, which through process of reading, changes into a human, and it ends with the message: “Read books – be a human.”

The requirement for the New Year Resolution assignment was to develop a small web site, with four basic pages using the Flash software. The web site starts with an animated “flash page” which leads into a home page. There, through various pages, I show my ability to combine the standard web components and Flash specific features in a working web site. Although the navigation bar has eight buttons, only three have active links.


Back to topLast update 04/2008

This web site was developed to satisfy the graduation requirements for
the School for Library and Information Science at San Jose State University California
Text, design, and digital imaging by Vlasta Radan