Core Competency M
The following statement and submitted evidence demonstrate my competency in oral and written communication skills necessary for group work, collaborations and professional level presentations.
Although the School is very much oriented towards the on-line, virtual and technologically advanced learning environment, there is still a lot of old-fashioned classroom time. All students taking Reference and Information Services course are required to give an in-class presentation of their instructional guide. During my first semester, in our section of the Information and Society class, the students took part in the Ethic Court... MORE>>
Some of the evidence documents are presented as HTML pages, but most of them are in iPaper format, which requires ADOBE FLASH PLAYER. Clicking on [PDF] link will open the same documents in ADOBE ACROBAT READER.
Evidence 1 :: LISSTEN web site
This web site was developed during my position as the web master for the organization, Fall of 2006 until Fall of 2007, and demonstrate my competency in collaboration necessary for a professional level projects. This link opens the archival copy of the site as it was at the end of Fall semester of 2007. For the current LISSTEN web site please click HERE.
LISSTEN is the student organization, established in 1993, that encourages the professional networking of SJSU SLIS students through the organization and sponsoring of various events and workshops. In the Fall of 2006, I was elected to the position of web master. In cooperation with the president Anne Knight, who provided most of the text for the web pages, we redesigned and reorganized the existing web site. The new web site provides information about the LISSTEN, its mission, by-laws and constitution. It provides the information about the board, members-at-large, faculty advisor and committees that organized various events. Event section of the web site provided students with information about the background and purpose of various events. The details of upcoming events were announced on the home page.
The integral part of the LISSTEN mission was helping students with useful information related to study and student life in the San Jose and Fullerton campuses, and was presented in the Student Handbook section of the web site. However, the text and organization of the handbook was the work another student, so that link does not bring up these pages. The web site also provides links for various issues of the Call Number, the LISSTEN newsletter. I cooperated with editors in the production of PDF file for the Spring 2007 issue, and for Fall 2007 issue, I developed a HTML template and designed an on-line version of the newsletter.
Evidence 2 :: Ethic Court: Closing argument
This closing argument given at the mock Ethic Court trial proceedings was written as an assignment in the Information and Society class, Spring of 2005, and demonstrate my writing skills in context of a larger group project.
In the Ethics court assignment, students were divided in groups of “lawyers” and each group received the different ethics case. Inside the group, the professor assigned who will argue the position of the plaintiff and who will be represent the defendants. The case, received by our group, involved a public library branch which was originally founded and partially financed by religious endowment and a gay couple alleging sexual discrimination by the branch’s collection policy. This closing argument represents the side of the library and its attempts to convince the court to dismiss the case because library did nothing wrong, followed all library procedures prescribed for this kind of situations and collection policies reflect reading habits of local community. This statement is only one of a number of documents that the group prepared for the court procedures. However, the statement was prepared solely by me, although the overall defending strategy and arguments were worked out and agreed in cooperation with the student with whom we worked together as the defending team. The judge, a fellow classmate, and the jury of three librarians ruled against the library.
Evidence 3 :: LISSTEN slide presentation for SJSU New Student Orientation, Spring 2008 [PDF]
This PowerPoint presentation was developed for the New Student Orientation, Spring of 2008, and demonstrate my competency in developing professional level presentation.
This is a four page promotional presentation about the student organization LISSTEN and was intended to give newly enrolled students a basic idea about the organization. The presentation introduces the mission of the organization, list its events with short description of each one and announce upcoming events. The presentation also displayed the image of the LISSTEN web site and prominently displayed the Internet address of the site. The presentation was originally designed and presented with Microsoft PowerPoint software and make use of active animation schemes which do not convert to PDF or iPaper format. [link to original PPT file]
Evidence 4 :: Cistercian Manuscript Tradition: Codex 650 from Sitticum Collection [PDF]
This research paper was written as an assignment in the Seminar in Information Science: Medieval Manuscripts and Incunabula class, Fall of 2005, and shows my competency in organization and representation of knowledge.
The Codex 650 is part of the Sitticum Collection of manuscripts created during the 12th century in the Cistercian abbey in Sticna, Slovenia. The manuscript is in Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Austria.The research paper describes the manuscript and its provenance, analyses the text, writing and scribal techniques as well as the history of the Cistercian order and their attitude towards reading.
This web site was developed to satisfy the graduation requirements for
the School for Library and Information Science at San Jose State University California
Text, design, and digital imaging by Vlasta Radan